
"I am interested in ideas, not merely in visual products."
Marcel Duchamp


Got Pride?

Gay or Straight, we got pride! This is an interesting debate I have seen on facebook this week, and the imagery is interesting too!

The debate in a question: Is posting a Straight Pride image grounds for flack from the gallery while posting a Gay Pride image is okay? Important to note here that posting Gay Pride images may receive a different type of flack than posting a Straight Pride image. The first may receive negative comments about same-sex relationships while the latter may receive labels of bigotry.

Perhaps this quote helps to understand the negative reaction to Straight Pride images:
In terms of images themselves, colors and symbols play a big role in sending distinct messages, and certain colors and symbols are adopted by causes/groups/etc. for recognition of meaning and message. Think of commercial branding.

Check out the images below and notice the use of colors, shapes, and symbols in addition to and in consideration with any text. Consider the whole message as well as the underlying messages. What is being said without being said?

To consider: There is of course the use of the word Pride and the symbol of the rainbow, which both bear importance since this word and that symbol have become associated with LGBTQ groups. Interestingly, most of the Straight Pride signs out there tend toward gray or use of black and white with only a small percentage using rainbow colors. Black and white symbolic of right/wrong in addition to attempting to reflect the opposite of a colorful rainbow? In the second to last image, the word "straight" appearing under the curve of a rainbow makes for an interesting antithesis, and in the last image, the symbols are paired with biblical reference, but perhaps not one that makes the most sense here?
Thoughts? What messages are you reading in these images? And what of the debate? Are straight pride images an example of co-opting the opposition's powerful and now traditional imagery? Co-opting words/images has been a common technique of opposing groups to undermine the power of associated imagery/signs throughout history. Many claim this is what's up.

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